Bidirektionaler NG-TRX Funk Tür/Fensterkontakt. inkl einen externen Anschluss.
LUPUS2K features an on-board magnetic contact, 1 NC input for magnetic contacts, 1 NC input configured by default for the connection of roll-up shutter sensors for a maximum length of 8 meters. The latter can be alternatively configured as a second input for magnetic contacts, if necessary.
LUPUS2K can manage 3 different channels, that are freely configurable as on-board contact, first external contact and second external contact / roll-up shutter sensor. The range of the connection to the NG-TRX control unit is 2 km. A last noteworthy feature gives LUPUS2K added value from a technical perspective: the opportunity of configuration via software, even from a remote PC via LAN/WAN, providing ease of installation and maintenance.